10 Questions must ask before Buying Dream home

A person discussing important questions to ask a contractor before building their dream home.

Posted By:Infra Bazaar

Customers who ask questions are our beloved customers! They’re prepared, and they’ve done their homework. They’re ready.

Here 10 questions must ask before buying dream home

#1 “How long have you been in this business?”

“Companies with experience have created systems and controls to ensure their work is on time, on budget and of the highest quality,”

While this is certainly true, some consumers may opt to go with someone who has years of experience in the industry but is a relatively new business owner.

If your instincts are telling you to go with a contractor who fits this bill, consider starting him off with a smaller project. If after that you’re satisfied with his technical, service and marketing experiences, you can both move on to something bigger.


#2 “Do you have a contracting permit?”

Cities, states and even counties have different requirements on whether contractors must get a license or an alternative credential. As a buyer, you’ll want to make sure that yours has gone through all of the required channels to obtain any required certifications particular to their field of expertise.

For example, you wouldn’t want to hire a roofer whose license is in carpentry. Having a business license alone is not sufficient. It allows individuals to operate a business. However, it doesn’t mean that they are a privileged or credentialed contractor.

This resource breaks down state specifications for working as a contractor, and if your state requires one, you can verify that a contractor is permitted using this place.

#3 “Can I see your certificate of insurance?”

Identify if a contractor is having insurance or not. Ask him to show how he is insured. Builders should have both accident insurance and workers’ wages insurance depending up on the type of job they perform. Taking a look at certificates of insurance will give you the peace of mind that he’s not insured in a completely different capacity than the job you’re using him for.

#4 “What is our timeline for fulfilment?”

It’s important for homeowners to have a clear idea of when contractors will start and complete an outline, and be aware of any conditions that might affect that calendar. Here are a few additional questions that will further define your proposed timeframe:

Are there any other projects you’re working on now that could affect our agenda?


#5 “What is the pay schedule?”

The Better Business will never upfront still paying the full price of contracting work, and a reputable contractor shouldn’t ask you to. But it’s important to discuss payment terms before construction begins, and be aware of exactly how much is due and when perhaps by specific dates or based on developed stages of the project.


#6 “What way would you like me to get in touch with you?”

Not only do you need to have a designated point of contact, but you also need to know the best way to reach that person, and at what times he’ll be available to respond to you. Find out if he prefers to be contacted via phone call, text message or email, get his notice, and ask for a general timeframe that you should suspect to hear back from him.

#7 “How will you clean up at the end of the day?”

A quality builder will make sure that end-of-day clean-up is always taken care of by his crew, whether the project lasts one day or crosses several weeks. Place that he will remove trash, pick up stray items like nails from floors and outdoor areas, and wipe down surfaces that have gotten dusty during construction at the end of every workday.

#8 “How and where tools and materials will be stored if the job spans for multiple days”?

One must maintain the workspace clean and clutter-free once the team has left for the day. They must practice the putting tools away neatly. Large pieces of equipment must be planed to store in your home every evening. Ensure that you discuss where they will be kept and how they will be transported there.

#9 “Is there a warranty for your service or for the materials you’ll be using?”

Most contractors offer a warranty or guarantee on their work. Hence, it is important to know ahead of time what it covers and how long it will remain in effect. Additionally, the materials used in your home may have a manufacturer’s warranty, and you should request a copy of this information before construction begins.

#10 “How do we resolve any disagreements?”

This is a crucial question because, unfortunately, disagreements and mistakes do occur sometimes despite the best intentions of contractors and homeowners. Asking a contractor how he handles disputes tells you that he has a process for taking care of situations in which clients aren’t fully satisfied.

Little problems do come up. It is advisable to research how problems were handled and how the customer felt after it was resolved.

If your contractor admits that there has been a dispute or two in his past, this isn’t necessarily a red flag so long as he treated the situation respectfully.

When conflicts happen, give the contractor the chance to fix it.

This may seem like a massive list, but the interaction between contractors and homeowners is key. You should also be prepared for contractors to have their own list of proposals to ask you.

Customers and contractors both have to be open with one another, and your expectations have to be sensible.

At the end of the day, it’s in the contractor’s best concern, to be honest and reliable because he wants you to recommend him to other likely clients.

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